Future Foundation: Jake Roberts Is Building the Legacy He Always Wanted
By Cameron Hawkins, TheRinger.com

North Texas Central College self-identifies as “the oldest continuously operating two-year college in Texas.” The school has undergone multiple name changes. Similar to Texas State University, it has renamed itself to make it sound like a more appealing destination and to look better on a diploma or résumé. From 1961 to 1974, the school was named Cooke County Junior College, and embraced its goal of producing associate’s degrees meant to allow students to transfer to universities, and one-year instructional certificates tied to specific careers. One of the courses it currently offers is Architectural Drafting—Residential, part of its Engineering Technology Area of Study. In a perfect world, Aurelian Smith Jr. would’ve taken that class, or its past equivalent, in the fall of 1973, shortly after his high school graduation. Almost 50 years later, Smith aims to build on what his past, his persona, and the people around him have repeatedly broken down. Jake “The Snake” Roberts is truly putting himself together, for the very first time, brick by brick, piece by piece.

One of the core objectives required to complete the drafting course is communication. It’s a skill that Jake Roberts has only very recently honed when it’s needed away from crowds and backstage interview segments. His development was immediately and continually stunted, Roberts coming from, and emulating, a string of broken relationships. Presently, he’s days away from the premiere of his episode of Biography: WWE Legends. After years of living like a sailor, the only vice he seems to maintain from his time on the high seas of bars, back roads, and bingo halls is the cursing. He’s more than willing to color his conversation with all the words you’ll no longer hear on Monday or Friday nights.

Read the rest of the article here.